
David Pocock

World class rugby player

I participate in conservation, environmental and community development activities. It's a commitment that I share with ACCIONA, a company that designs a better planet via clean energy, sustainable infrastructure and water #InvestInThePlanet

Watch David Pocock's message

David Pocock

World class rugby player

There are things in life that are just a game. But sadly, other things are not. It’s time to change to commit to an emissions-free future, with sustainable infrastructure and systems that provide universal access to clean water #InvestInThePlanet

Watch David Pocock's message

we generate 100% clean energy in 
the fight against climate change

We assure access to water for millions 
of people all over the planet


Experts in designing 
a better planet

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World class rugby player campaigning to protect the planet

The struggle continues for David Pocock after he walks off the field. The Wallabies player, one of Australia’s top sporting heroes, has shown that he is also a hero when it comes to environmental protection and the fight against climate change.

A long time campaigner against deforestation of natural habitats, curious about the food chain and the impact it has on our health and the environment and involved in the transition towards a planet powered by clean energy, Pocock has taken part in many conservation and community development focused activates. His unshakeable commitment, shared by ACCIONA, has brought us together to help inform Australians about the importance of fighting climate change and investing in the planet through renewable energies, the provision of universal access to clean water and sustainable infrastructure.