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- ACCIONA Energía has welcomed the Queensland Government’s Energy and Jobs plan released by the Premier today at an event in Brisbane.
The plan increases the percentage of Queensland’s energy to be derived from renewable sources from 50% by 2030 to 70% by 2032 and 80% by 2035.
This will include an increase in the amount of large scale wind and solar generation from 3GW in 2022 to 16GW by 2030 and 25GW by 2035.
Underpinning this will be the Queensland ‘SuperGrid’ to connect renewable energy generation across the state.
“Today’s comprehensive plan outlines how Queensland can become a renewable energy superpower using wind and solar generation backed up with a diverse portfolio of energy storage options that will carry it through the coming decades,” said ACCIONA Energía Managing Director Brett Wickham.
ACCIONA Energía are currently building the MacIntyre Wind Precinct, the biggest wind farm in the southern hemisphere. Once complete, the 180 turbine site will generate 1,026MW of renewable energy, enough power for the equivalent of 700,000 homes.
The $2 billion project will create nearly 700 jobs during construction and support hundreds of Queensland businesses with $500 million in work being procured from Queensland businesses.
“Today’s plan outlines not just a renewable energy plan for Queensland but also an enormous regional development opportunity creating thousands of jobs in regional areas across the state,” said Mr Wickham.